Sunday, November 25, 2012

New project...finally!

Well, needless to say my life recently turned to chaos. Which put me quite behind! Not to mention a project that was supposed to be one of the easiest I ever expected to do, that turned to total crap! So here I go again, probably not everyday, but as much as possible!

So here's something awesome!!

Yeah, cute huh?

This was an easy one for me!

I just happened to have this lantern that I bought at Ikea several years ago. It is one of those things that I thought I couldn't live without, then found myself moving it from random place to random place throughout my house trying to decide what the heck to do with it! I also had all these extra decorations that don't fit on our tree, and the ribbon (believe it or not) I've been hoarding from my wedding leftovers 4 years ago. 

I plopped the ornaments in the lantern, tied on a pretty bow and the other ornament, and done!

I think it took me longer to find the ornaments than it did for me to put together.

Here's what it looks like on my shelf, I'm pretty happy with it:

So that's that. Easy, and that's what I like! It's pretty screw-up-proof!

I have a ton of Christmas projects to complete, so until we meet again...

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