Sunday, June 16, 2013


So we have found some things we like! We actually have a first choice and second. But now is the tough part...the negotiations. 

We haven't done this type of thing before, and I won't even haggle at a yard sale, so haggling over the biggest purchase of our life is stressful!

Do you lowball in hopes that they don't tell you to eff off? Or do you just pay what they ask and hope you don't get screwed?

One thing we did learn is to look twice if you have the time! You don't want to end up with a house that smells like 20 years of cat piss...this is real life!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I didn't mean to delete that LOL oops....

  2. When we got our first offer on our house, the people REALLY lowballed us then also asked us to do some really dumb things like trim tree limbs and do some stuff with the yard. UM no. We didn't tell them to eff off per say, but we did go back with a price that we were set on. Let's just say we never heard back from them LOL So my advice to you is, if you are going to lowball, don't ask for extra dumb stuff. If you really feel the house is worth what you are offering, they there is no reason not to offer that. They may come back just a little higher. The only thing you can do is try!
